too snobby to blog

the other thing that cracked me up at a writer’s colony was the whole “logging onto the internet is evil for your writing” bit. somehow, email and blogging were as hated as carbohydrates (actually more hated than carbohydrates, judging from the amount of cookies we ate each day). anyone who got caught “logging on,”had to fucking apologize like they had just lit up a cigarette in front of a newborn baby and puffed in its face.

the Famous Writer was the most anti-blog of all. maybe because she was afraid the bloggers in the group would blog about her, real name and all.  (“you’re not going to blog about me, are you?  can we–keep this offline?”)

then there was the Wife (who happened to be a lesser known actor) of a Famous Movie Actor at the writing colony.  to this day, i’m not really sure why she was at the table–i think the writing colony was courting her for funding, who knows.  i didn’t get her at all, though sadly, she’s a familiar sort in my world.

anyway, she too was paranoid about the blogging.  “why would you write on the internet? what IS the internet anyway?”  (“You’re not going to blog this, are you?  DON’T YOU BLOG THIS!”)  of course, i have exerted all my self-control to not talk about the vibrator her Famous Actor Husband bought her just so she wouldn’t miss him while she was away at the writing colony.


hrm.  i guess i was just feeling really mean tonight.


Filed under Writing

5 responses to “too snobby to blog

  1. Stephanie

    LOL, you’re funny when you get mad. “anyone who got caught “logging on,”had to fucking apologize like they had just lit up a cigarette in front of a newborn baby and puffed in its face.” GREAT LINE!

  2. mel

    Lol. They are just intimidated bc they don’t blog and aren’t in that world and aren’t “experts” in the field. I encountered someone in a writers’ group who was very “I’m only going to talk about things that I’M good at!” Blech.

    I find the world of blogs quite touching, and that the writing is funny, poignant, poetic, honest. It’s very inspiring.

  3. stephanie: for serious, i think i could have gotten less flack for smoking! 🙂

    mel: well, we will keep this whole blog territory our precious zone, won’t we? we can’t let the “haters” spoil it!

  4. theories blogger

    I repeated the “blogging on the down-low” crack, anonymously, in the Goddess’ workshop the other night. (She was in The Big City getting a Big Prize, which she completely deserves because she is truly a Goddess). People laughed. I was careful to note that it wasn’t *my* original witticism, but I didn’t name names.


    The example of our two Goddesses in residence plus the Young Satyr of the wild hair and funny hats make(s) (verb number?) me determined not to spend *quite* so much time blogging in the future. ‘Cause if I’d spent as much time writing or reading really cool books, I’d have a novel by now. But on the other hand, in this world today, the internet is our cafe life. And I’ve made great friends and you would even say “literary connections” through blogging… the problem is I hang out on the internet the way TV addicts watch tv – long past the point where I’m bored and my eyes are glazed.

    Love the gossip about Famous Actor. He was my childhood crush, yes, I have strange taste in men. Your tales are turning him into a human being, not a myth. Sigh…

    Ok two hours before I have to pick up the offspring so I have to get back to work.

  5. Famous Actor was your childhood crush?! I’m tickled and love you for it!

    I love being surrounded by brilliance.

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